Thailand Old Photos by Johnny
Sawadi-kap & Greetings from the great city of Bangkok, my home-town for over twenty years. I am and always have been a dedicated student of history, a history buff, or now-a-days known as a...
Sawadi-kap & Greetings from the great city of Bangkok, my home-town for over twenty years. I am and always have been a dedicated student of history, a history buff, or now-a-days known as a...
Sawadi-kap – Greetings & Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans. Chicken and duck are popular in many dishes here, but turkey is unknown, unless you’re in a popular expat, “farang” tourist, areas. In...
Sawadi-kap & Greetings from Thailand. – I’ve now been living in Bangkok longer than any other place I lived. Second longest place where I lived was Ashley, Pennsylvania my hometown, for seventeen years until...
Sawadi-kap & Greetings from Thailand. Nothing goes better together than bass finshin’ and beer drinkin’. And beer companies do some of best advertisements of bass fishing with artwork on their cans, labels, posters and...
Sawadi-kap & Greetings from my home in Bangkok, Thailand. This report is on Cambodian Hunuman Beverages, purported to produce some of the finest brews in all Southeast Asia. No surprise that I find any...
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