Tagged: cartoons


Thailand Old Photos by Johnny

Sawadi-kap & Greetings from the great city of Bangkok, my home-town for over twenty years. I am and always have been a dedicated student of history, a history buff, or now-a-days known as a...


Thailand Road Signs by Johnny

Sawadi-kap – Greetings & Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans. Chicken and duck are popular in many dishes here, but turkey is unknown, unless you’re in a popular expat, “farang” tourist, areas. In...


Bears In My Hometown by Johnny

Sawadi-kap & Greetings from Thailand. – I’ve now been living in Bangkok longer than any other place I lived. Second longest place where I lived was Ashley, Pennsylvania my hometown, for seventeen years until...


Classic Beer Adverts – by Johnny

Welcome to my newest update. No commentary is needed for the beer adverts. But I’ll introduce this report with some unknown facts about Stegmaier Gold Medal Beer of Wilkes-Barre, PA. My own hometown, Ashley...


Buriram Buddha by Johnny

Welcome to my newest JJJ update – Buriram Buddha. Sorry for the poor writing on my previous report. I have been here, in my wonderful Bangkok apartment since the start of this website. All...

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