Thailand Old Photos by Johnny

Sawadi-kap & Greetings from the great city of Bangkok, my home-town for over twenty years. I am and always have been a dedicated student of history, a history buff, or now-a-days known as a history nerd.

From ancient history to WWI & WWII to all American history including my home area of Pennsylvania and the old US West as well as Korean History, I’ve read anything I got my hands on. Shout-out to my original home-town area history site, Wilkes-Barre, Pa for their excellent work. – Wilkes-Barré Preservation Society (

I have no report study on Thailand history. But I have been saving old & classic photo pics I’ve seen on-line. I hope you find these photos as interesting as I do. Hmm, maybe even some locations you may know that are a “bit” different today. – Stay Well & Take Care – Johnny





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