Hanuman & Neak Beer by Johnny

Sawadi-kap & Greetings from my home in Bangkok, Thailand. This report is on Cambodian Hunuman Beverages, purported to produce some of the finest brews in all Southeast Asia. No surprise that I find any beer reason enough for a report. But this is more than just a simple story about a few beers from yet another brewery. So, as the great Paul Harvey used to say – “And now, the rest of the story.”

Hope this report will be of interest to even non-beer quaffers. Reported to be excellent quality brews with really creative advertising, mythological creatures, controversial feedback and a popular internationally known Filipino Boxer as Brand Ambassador who is also a keen darts player sponsoring major darts events. Too much to believe? Read on . . .

Mythological deities – Hanuman’s flagship beers Hanuman Premium Lager & Black feature the Khmer Hanuman. The Hanuman is a Hindu god whose shape is half-monkey, half-human. The Khmer Hanuman is a revered deity known for his extraordinary strength and courage. Hanuman holds significant meanings of protection, resistance against enemies, power, strength, bravery, confidence, victory, and good luck.

Recently launched was Neak Classic Asian Lager. A neak ta is an ancestral or tutelary deity, believed to watch over people, places, and things, as long as they are paid proper respect. They are also known as Naga in Thailand. Naga, in Hinduism and Buddhism, is the Sanskrit word for a deity taking the form of a great snake, specifically the multi-headed king cobra. These are often seen guarding the entrances of Buddhist temples.

What first attracted me to Neak Beer was their really creative advertising. Check out this link – Neak Beer Launch TVC Commercial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQOcXXgZfc) Their website is also well done with some great videos. Hanuman Beverages (https://hanumanbeverages.com.kh/home)

“The beer industry in Cambodia has been unchanged for years, no company has really disrupted or revolutionised the market. Hanuman Beverages, in a soft launch from September 2021, is leading the way as Cambodia’s pioneer in the Premium Beer Market.” – October 19, 2021 – Khmer Times

So, what was the controversy? Seems the use of their monkey god on a beer angered some Hindus. “Cambodian beer named after Hindu monkey god Hanuman riles Indians.” South China Morning Post – Published: 5:54pm, 31 May 2022 (https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/lifestyle-culture/article/3179870/cambodian-beer-named-after-hindu-monkey-god-hanuman)

In April 2024 Hanuman Beverages appointed Manny Pacquiao, internationally known Filipino boxing great, as their Brand Ambassador. I’ve been a long-time fan of “Pac Man” not only as a boxing champion but also as a darts player sponsoring major darts tournaments. With Hanuman, Manny visited the amazing Angkor Wat. Phnom Penh Post – Publication date 01 June 2024 (https://www.phnompenhpost.com/gallery/a-legendary-journey-manny-pacquiao-explores-cambodia-s-wonders-with-hanuman-beverages)

In closing, I’d like to say that if you’re in Thailand or anywhere in Southeast Asia – make it a point to visit Angkor Wat. If you have the opportunity and pass it up – you’re missing out on seeing the greatest archaeological site in Southeast Asian maybe the world. Had the pleasure to tour Angkor Wat with my Dad back in 2005. Was a great time. “Dad & Me Angkor Wat” – by Johnny (https://www.johnnywitkowski.com/2023/06/26/dad-me-angkor-wat-by-johnny/)

Until next report, stay well & visit all the interesting places, near & far, that you can . . . ! – – Johnny

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